Terms Of Use


The following are the terms and conditions of agreement ("Terms and Conditions") for the sale of products ("Products") by Thermionic Lab/Thermioniclab.com. ("Thermionic Lab/Thermioniclab.com") to Thermionic Lab's customers ("Customers").

Agreements under these Terms and Condition of sale form the sole agreement with respect to the sale of products, and supersedes all proposals, negotiations, conversations, discussions, agreements and/or representations, whether oral or written, including any industry custom or past dealing between the parties relating to the sale of products.

Deviating terms and conditions of the customer are expressly rejected, although this is not explicitly stated again within an order / order confirmation, unless it was otherwise agreed in writing between the parties.

Thermioniclab.com may not accept and reject any orders, if they are obviously intended for any use which is prohibited by national or international laws and regulations. This is especially true, when the requested goods are controlled by any Hellenic, European, US or any other international export control regimes.

Thermioniclab.com will not process any orders if the given information is incomplete, insufficient or not trustworthy.

Our shop is online, there is no physical shop to visit.

All items in our website ready made or custom are tested and shipped after passing succesfully quality control check.

We guarantee performance against our published specifications based on measurements by our equipment and the test measurerment set up. All inductance values of reactors/ transformers that carry dc current are measeured with special equipment that can inject the appropriate dc current along with the ac . Measuring those with common LCR meters will give less value of inductance.

All transfomers supplied as replacements for designs by other manufacturers are on a best efforts basis using the best information available to us. Our goal is to improve on the original performance in terms of measurable parameters but we do not claim to reproduce the "original" sound which depends significantly on the circuit design parameters.

How to place and order: Browse our site, select the options for any items that you wish to buy from the list menu. After you have finished your selection, click on the list icon then click "add to list" , continue to request list, click send request and you will be asked for the details that we need to be able to satisfy the order.

A confirmation email will be sent to you with the final value of the the item and the shipping cost and time of manufacturing ,in case of custom item.

All orders are processed after receiving the full amount as cleared payment.

You are responsible for the accuracy of the data that you will provide for the shipping adress ,zip code etc for the items that will be shipped to you. Any mistakes ,in case of wrong shipping adress data, are not resposibility of Thermioniclab and the products will not be resent unless you provide the shipping cost and handling , in case the parcel will be returned to our permises.

Currency: We accept payments in Euros

Payment method: We accept Paypal and Bank transfer.

Shipping: We can ship with Hellenic Post or Acs Courier for EU. The shipping cost is calculated during ordering and the final price is sent to the customer via email. The delivery time with Post is normaly 10-12 days for USA, Canada, less than a week for Europe. The parcel is registered and signed upon delivery with tracking info. We send email filled with the tracking details.

Please note we are not responsible for LOCAL TAXES which may be levied on import to your country.

Returns: We do not accept returns, please contact us for details.

Thermioniclab.com transformers ready made or custom offered here cannot be used for life support or other critical applications.

No responsibility is accepted by us, for any death or injury, however sustained, directly or indirectly, through the operation or use or construction of our products.

No responsibility is accepted by us, for any damage or loss, in matter or money or business opportunity, through the operation or use or construction of our products.

A person who constructs or works on electronic equipment may be exposed to hazards, including physical injury, the risk of electric shock or electrocution, and exposure to hazardous substances such as lead, mercury, and other inorganic or organic compounds. These hazards can result in health problems, injury, or death. Only qualified persons who understand and are willing to bear these risks themselves should attempt the construction of electronic equipment. By purchasing our item, the buyer acknowledges these risks.

Vacuum tubes operate at high temperatures, may contain toxic substances, and may have exposed parts that carry hazardous voltages. There is a risk of electric shock, electrocution, burns, or fires that is inherent in the construction and use of vacuum tube equipment. By purchasing this item, the buyer acknowledges these risks.

IN NO EVENT SHALL THE SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE including, but not limited to, property damage, personal injury, death or legal expenses. Buyer's recovery from Seller for any claim shall not exceed the purchase price paid by Buyer for the goods, irrespective of the nature of the claim, whether in warrant, contract or otherwise. By purchasing this item, BUYER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD SELLER HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS BROUGHT BY ANY PARTY REGARDING ITEMS SUPPLIED BY SELLER AND INCORPORATED INTO THE BUYER'S PRODUCT.

If you do not agree to this disclaimer, DO NOT BUY ANY ITEM READY MADE OR CUSTOM.


Copyright Statement: This copyright statement applies to all photography & images found on this website, and any other sites found on the thermioniclab.com domain. Please read carefully before downloading, linking to, or printing copies for use. © Copyright 2001-2022 Thermionic Lab , thermioniclab.com. All rights reserved. Proprietary Rights The photographs contained on this, and any other site under the thermioniclab.com domain, are the property of Thermionic Lab and are protected by United States and International copyright laws. All copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property rights in this site, are the property of Thermionic Lab. All Photographs on thermioniclab.com are copyrighted. No permission, either express or implied, is granted for the electronic transmission, storage, retrieval, or printing of the photographs contained on Thermioniclab.com, other than that which is related to the normal "caching" practices of web browsers and activities such as downloading solely for your personal enjoyment. No parties/individuals visiting or viewing images from tstark.com, may otherwise copy, modify, publish, transmit, or distribute the contents of the photographs found herein. Express written permission must be granted, on behalf of the photographer, in order to use these photographs for any purpose that is not outlined above. Your use of thermioniclab.com or viewing of this statement indicates your acceptance of these conditions.


Limitation of Liability

1 Subject to the exceptions specified below, we shall not be liable in the case of breach of duty arising from the obligation undertaken, especially not for claims by the customer for damages or reimbursement of expenses, for whatever legal reason. 2 The above exclusion of liability according to para. 1 shall not apply if statutory liability is mandatory, and: - in the case of own intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty and intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by legal representatives or vicarious agents; - in the case of violation of material contractual obligations. “Material contractual obligations” are obligations that protect the legal positions of the customer which have to be specifically granted to the customer under the contract in terms of subject matter and purpose. Material contractual obligations are furthermore contractual obligations, the fulfilment of which makes the due performance of the contract possible at all in the first place, and where the customer has regularly relied on and may rely on compliance with such obligations; - in the event of injury to life, limb and health, also caused by legal representatives or vicarious agents; - in the case of default if delivery and/or service by a fixed date was agreed; - where we have assumed a guarantee for the quality of our goods or the existence of an outcome of performance, or a procurement risk within the meaning of Section 276 BGB; 3 If we or our vicarious agents are responsible only for slight negligence and none of the cases specified in bullet points above exist, we shall be liable, in the case of violation of material contractual obligations as well, only for damage typical for the contract and for foreseeable damage. 4 Our liability is limited in amount for each individual event of damage to a maximum liability coverage of EUR 100,00. This shall apply even if we or our vicarious agents are responsible for fraudulent intent, intent or gross negligence, for claims due to injury to life, limb or health, and in the case of a claim based on an unlawful act or an expressly assumed guarantee or the assumption of a procurement risk according to Section 276 BGB or in cases of different higher liability coverage prescribed by law. Any further liability shall be excluded. 5 Exclusion resp. limitation of liability according to para. 1 to 4 above and para. 6 shall apply to the same extent for the benefit of our bodies, our executive and non-executive employees and other vicarious agents as well as our sub-contractors. 6 There is no connection between the reversal of the burden of proof and the foregoing stipulations. Any shipping damage must, if it is visible at the handover to the customer, declared at the freight carrier (shipping company or parcel service). In the case of transport damage, Thermionic Lab is entitled to deliver the goods again within a reasonable time except custom orded items that might take longer time for rebuilding and shipping. The customer is obligated to inform Thermioniclab.com immediately of any defect by e-mail. 7 Obvious defects, defect rights, limited warranty The products supplied by thermioniclab.com must never be used for life-assurance, life-sustaining, life-supporting, surgical products and / or human implants at no case. Any shipping damage must, if it is visible at the handover to the customer, declared at the freight carrier (shipping company or parcel service). In the case of transport damage, Thermionic Lab is entitled to deliver the goods again within a reasonable time except custom orded items that might take longer time for rebuilding and shipping. The same does not applies in the event, that the product is vitiated by an error of the customer. Claims for repair or replacement are not accepted due to the wrong use of products; the same shall apply mutatis mutandis in the case of rescission and reduction. There shall be no claims based on defect in cases of insignificant deviations from the agreed quality, of only minor impairment of usability, of natural wear and tear, or damage arising after the passing of risk from faulty or negligent handling, excessive strain, unsuitable equipment, defective civil works, inappropriate foundation soil, or claims based on particular external influences not assumed under the contract, or from non-reproducible software errors. Claims based on defects attributable to improper modifications or repair work carried out by the customer or third parties and the consequences thereof are likewise excluded. The customer shall have no claim with respect to expenses incurred in the course of supplementary performance, including costs of travel, transport, labor, and material, to the extent that expenses are increased because the subject-matter of the supplies has subsequently been brought to another location than the customer's branch Office, unless doing so complies with the normal use of the supplies. The customer shall have no claim for damages based on defects. This shall apply to the extent that a defect has been fraudulently concealed, the guaranteed characteristics are not complied with, in the case of loss of life, bodily injury or damage to health, restrictions to liberty and/or intentionally or grossly negligent breach of contract on the part of Thermioniclab.com. The above provisions do not imply a change in the burden of proof to the detriment of the customer. Any other or additional claims of the customer exceeding the claims provided for in this paragraph 7, based on a defect, are excluded. 8 Jurisdiction and place of fulfillment 8.1 Place of performance for all contractual obligations and for each delivery is our registered office in Greece, unless otherwise agreed. 8.2 Any disputes shall be settled, if the customer is a business person within the meaning of the Greek law, and unless otherwise agreed, exclusively before a competent court of law at the location of our company’s registered office. For the avoidance of doubt, this jurisdiction regulation shall also apply to such circumstances between ourselves and the customer which can give rise to non-contractual obligations within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No 864 / 2007. We shall also have the right, however, to bring an action against the customer at its place of general jurisdiction. 8.3 The law of the Hellenic Republic, shall apply exclusively to all legal relations between the customer and ourselves, in particular to the exclusion of the UN Sales Convention (CSIG). It is expressly stated that this choice of law is also deemed to be such choice within the meaning of Art. 14 (1) (b) Regulation (EC) No 864 / 2007 and shall, therefore, also apply to non-contractual obligations within the meaning of this Regulation. If the application of foreign law is mandatory in individual cases, our General Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted as meaning that the economic intent pursued by them is preserved to the maximum possible extent.